Prices per session except where noted
Rolf Method of Structural Integration
Structural Integration
It is typically delivered as a series of ten hands-on physical manipulation sessions sometimes called "the recipe". It is based on Rolf's ideas about how the human body's "energy field" can benefit when aligned with the Earth's gravitational field. Practitioners combine superficial and deep manual therapy with movement prompts.
Neuromuscular Reeducation
People with specific injuries or challenges often seek out these techniques. This may include people who have experienced fractures or muscle tears or people with conditions like arthritis or cerebral palsy. Healthy people who want to improve their overall balance, strength, or flexibility, such as professional dancers or athletes, may also seek out certain forms of these therapies.
Connective Tissue Massage
Connective tissue massage is similar to myofascial release in that it involves working with the body's fascia, or soft tissue, to relieve pain, tightness, and discomfort. The idea behind connective tissue massage is that restriction in one area of the body negatively affects other areas of the body. Practitioners of this technique "hook" their fingers into the connective tissue and utilize pulling strokes to lengthen the area. Benefits include pain reduction, tension relief, improved mobility and stress reduction
Sports Therapies
Sports Therapy
Sports Therapy and rehabilitation is concerned with musculoskeletal conditions arising from sporting activity, not with general healthcare. It focuses on understanding and preventing sports injuries and dealing with the effects of physical and emotional trauma due to sports and exercise related injuries.
Stretching is a form of exercise in which specific muscles are stretched in order to build flexibility and relieve tension.
$20.00 per area
Kinesio Taping
There are several theoretical benefits claimed for the tape. One of those is correcting the alignment of weak muscles as well as facilitating joint motion as a result of the tape's recoiling qualities. Additionally, the tape is claimed to lift the skin, increasing the space below it, and increasing blood flow and circulation of lymphatic fluids (swelling). This increase in the interstitial space is said to lead to less pressure on the body's nociceptors, which detect pain, and to stimulate mechanoreceptors, to improve overall joint proprioception (1)
$20.00 per area
(1)Williams S, Whatman C, Hume PA, Sheerin K (2012). "Kinesio taping in treatment and prevention of sports injuries: a meta-analysis of the evidence for its effectiveness". Sports Med 42 (2): 153–64. doi:10.2165/11594960-000000000-00000. PMID 22124445.
Trigger points are areas of soft tissue in the body characterized by local pain, tightness, and tenderness. Often trigger points develop because of referred pain, or pain from another source that has manifested itself in a trigger point. Trigger points rarely refer pain to other areas.
Trigger Point
Trigger-point therapy seeks first to identify trigger points, then apply steady, appropriate pressure to the point to "release" it. This is usually followed by massage to the surrounding area to help treat the cause of the trigger point. Clients are encouraged to drink a lot of water following a trigger-point therapy session to flush out any toxins released when the trigger point is released.